Agustina Malvido
Academic Background:
PhD in agricultural economics with focus on agricultural cooperatives (Humboldt University) (2019).
Erasmus mundus International Master of Science in Rural Development (Ghent University, Belgium; Humboldt University, Germany; and Wageningen University, Netherlands).
Master of Arts in Development Management and Policy (Georgetown University, USA and National University of San Martín, Argentina).
Senior economist at National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA), working in rural development and capacity building projects, and policy development and analysis for eight years.
Academic Career:
Since 2019 Research assistant, SLE, Albrecht Daniel Thaer-Institute, Faculty of Life Sciences, Humboldt University Berlin
PhD. in agricultural economics (Prof. Hanisch), cooperative effects on members, focusing on price (Argentina) and inclusion (Zambia) effects using mixed methods
Seit 2015
Teaching assistant in course Co-operation and Co-operative Organizations, Master of Science, Humboldt University (Prof. Hanisch)
Erasmus mundus International Master of Science in Rural Development (Ghent University, Belgium; Humboldt University, Germany; and Wageningen University, Netherlands)
Master of Arts in Development Management and Policy (Georgetown University, USA and National University of San Martín, Argentina)
2005 – 2010
Senior economist at National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA), working in rural development and capacity building projects, and rural policies development and analysis
2003 – 2005
Junior Economist at Economic Research Institute of Córdoba Stock Exchange, Córdoba (Argentina)
Bachelor in Economics at National University of Córdoba (Argentina)
2001 – 2005 Teaching assistant in course Introduction to Economics I and II, Bachelor in Economics, National University of Córdoba (Argentina)
Malvido Pérez Carletti, A., Hanisch, M., Puechagut, M.A. & Gastaldi, L.B. (2019). Understanding member characteristics and cooperative price effects: The case of the Argentinean dairy sector. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 90(4), pp.713-735. https://doi.org/10.1111/apce.12247
Minah, M. & Malvido Pérez Carletti, A. (2019). Mechanisms of Inclusion: Evidence from Zambia’s Farmer Organisations. European Journal of Development Research, 31, pp.1318-1340. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41287-019-00212-8
Malvido Pérez Carletti, A., Hanisch, M., Rommel, J. & Fulton, M. (2018). Farm Gate Prices for Non-Varietal Wine in Argentina: A Multilevel Comparison of the Prices Paid by Cooperatives and Investor-Oriented Firms. Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization, 16(1), pp. 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1515/jafio-2016-0036
Müller, M., Hanisch, M., Malvido Pérez Carletti, A., Rommel, J., Sagebiel, J. (2018). The structural effect of cooperatives on price volatility in the European dairy sector. Applied Economics Letters, 25 (8): 576–579.
Participaton in the Erasmus+ Project CooPerformance – Digital, state-of-the-art agribusiness education for farmer led enterprises in the agri-food value chain (Romania, Spain, Germany)
- agustina.malvido@hu-berlin.de
- 030 2093 46893