Markus Hanisch
Professional Background:
since 09/2019
Director of the Centre for Rural Development (Seminar für Ländliche Entwicklung)
Professor for Cooperative Sciences
Departement of Agricultural Economics, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
2001 – 2007
Managing Director of the “Berlin Institute for Co-operative Studies”
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
1997 – 2000 Junior Research Assistant within the Research Project
“Comparative Analysis of the Transformation Process of the Agricultural Sector in Selected Central and Eastern European Countries” (KATO)
1997 – 1999 Lecturer for “Economics I + II” at the University of Applied Sciences Neubrandenburg, Germany
Academic Background:
Dr. rer. agr within the Research Project “Comparative Analysis of the Transformation Process of the Agricultural Sector in Selected Central and Eastern European Countries” (KATO)
Dissertation Thesis: “Property Reform and Social Conflict. A Multi-Level Analysis of the Change of Agricultural Property Rights in Post-Socialist Bulgaria” (grade: “summa cum laude”)
1989 – 1996
Diploma Studies (M.Sc. Equivalent) in “Agricultural Development” at Technical University of Berlin
Title of Thesis: “Land Reform in Bulgaria from a New Political Economy Perspective”
1994 – 1996 Student Assistant at the Chair of Development Planning and Project Management (Prof. Dr. H.E. Jahnke)
Recent consultancies (examples):
Hanoi / Ho Chi Minh City: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Lead expert, transformation of the collective sector, Vietnam. Analyze Law and Decrees and consult Vietnam Government on reform of cooperative law
Moscow: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Contribute with a lecture to FAO/EURASIA Seminar on Agricultural
Cooperatives in Post-Soviet Countries
Bangkok: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Give a training for trainers capacity building course to enhance Pro-poor Policy Formulation and Implementation at Country Level
Addis Ababa: United Nations (DESA)
Give a presentation on “The Organization of Cooperation – Lessons for development and the inte rnational cooperative movement”
Rabat: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Give presentation on modern systems of cooperative processing, marketing and the role of agricultural chambers. Institutional suggestions for the realization of the plan „Maroc Vert“
New York:United Nations (DESA)
Prepare main arguments in expert commission for resolution A/RES/64/136
International Year of Cooperatives 2012
Editor and Memberships:
Affiliated Faculty Member: Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University
Co-Editor of the “Berlin Cooperative Papers” (Berlin Institute for Co-operative Studies)
Co-Editor of the “Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources” (ICAR) Discussion Paper Series (Humboldt University of Berlin)
Member of various scientific bodies, e.g.,
Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues (GEWISOLA)
International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE)
European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE)
European Regional Sciences Association (ERSA)
International Society for New Institutional Economics (ISNIE)
International Scientific Commission “Social and Cooperative Economy” (CIRIEC)
Miscellaneous Professional Activities:
Visiting Scholar at Indiana University in Bloomington, USA, Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis (Prof. Dr. Elinor Ostrom)
Active Member of the “Consortium of Institutes in Cooperative Sciences” (AGI). Regular participation and contributions within the organization and scientific events (Yearly Conference of Young Scholars, International Conference of Cooperative Studies)
Reviewer for various journals: Agricultural Economics, Energy Policy, Cooperative
Studies, German Journal for Cooperative Studies, etc.
Organizer of the International Conference “Cooperative Responses to Global Challenges”, March 2012, Berlin.
Co-operation and Co-operative Organizations: MSc. Level, Lecture at Humboldt-Universität, since 2007 (full teaching load, 2 courses per semester).
Contributions to the Doctoral Certificate Program in Agricultural Economics, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, since 2007.
1997–1999 Teaching of “Economics I + II” at Neubrandenburg College.
Dohmwirth, C.; Hanisch, M. (in press). Women and Collective Action: Lessons From The Indian Dairy Cooperative Sector. Community Development Journal, in press.
Hanisch, M. (2018). Genossenschaftsmolkereien: Hat das Modell noch Zukunft. DLG Mitteilungen 2018, 64-67.
Hanisch, M. (2018). Die Rolle der Genossenschaftsbanken. Innoskop, 6/2018, 22.
Malvido, A.; Hanisch, M.; Rommel, J.; Fulton, M. (2018). Farm Gate Prices for Non-Varietal Wine in Argentina: A Multilevel Comparison of the Prices Paid by Cooperatives and Investor-Oriented Firms. Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization 16(1), Art. 2.
Müller, M.; Hanisch, M.; Malvido, A.; Rommel, J.; Sagebiel, J. (2018). The Structural Effect of Cooperatives on Price Volatility in the European Dairy Sector. Applied Economics Letters 25(8), 576-579. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13504851.2017.1346358
Dohmwirth, C.; Hanisch, M. (2017). Women and Collective Action: Lessons From The Indian Dairy Cooperative Sector. Community Development Journal (forthcoming).
Hanisch, M. (2017). Co-operatives and the Transformation of the German Energy Sector. In: Michie, J.; Blasi, J. R.; Borzaga, C. (Eds.): The Oxford Handbook of Mutual, Co-Operative, and Co-Owned Business.
Bharamappanavara, S.; Hanisch, M.; Rommel, J. (2016). The Effect of Heterogeneity and Freedom of Participation on Collective Action in Rural Self-Help Groups: Combining In-depth Interviews with Curve Estimation. Journal of Mixed Methods Research 10(2), 147-167.
Hanisch, M. (2016). Cooperatives in rural development and poverty alleviation. In: Bijman, J.; Muradian, R.; Schuurman, J. (Eds.): Cooperatives, Economic Democratization and Rural Development. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, 48-74.
Sagebiel, J.; Kimmich, Ch.; Müller, M.; Hanisch, M.; Gilani, V. (2016). Enhancing Energy Efficiency in Irrigation: A Socio-Technical Approach in South India (1st ed.). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
Malvido Pérez Carletti, A.; Hanisch, M.; Rommel, J. (2015). Cooperatives and Farmgate Prices for Agricultural Produce: Multilevel Evidence on Non-varietal Wine in Mendoza, Argentina. Paper accepted for presentation at the Agri4D Conference, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, September 23-24, 2015 in Uppsala, Sweden.
Bharamappanavara, S.; Hanisch, M.; Rommel, J. (2014). The Effect of Heterogeneity and Freedom of Participation on Collective Action in Rural Self-Help Groups: Combining In-depth Interviews with Curve Estimation. Journal of Mixed Methods Research. SAGE Publications. doi: 10.1177/1558689814550876
Bijman, J.; Hanisch, M. (2014): Shifting Control? The Changes of Internal Governance in Ag-ricultural Cooperatives in the EU. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics. in print.
Hussain, Z.; Hanisch, M. (2014): Dynamics of peri-urban agricultural development and farmers’ adaptive behaviour in the emerging megacity of Hyderabad, India. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 57(4), 495-515.
Hagedorn, K.; Hanisch, M. (2014): The emergence and role of Farmers’ Cooperatives in Central and Eastern European Countries: A comparative case study analysis. In: Laurinkari, J.; Schediwy, R.; Todev, T. (eds.): Genossenschaftswissenschaft zwischen Theorie und Geschichte. Festschrift für Prof. Dr. Johann Brazda zum 60. Geburtstag. Europäischer Hochschulverlag. Bremen. pp. 589-619.
Hussain, Z.; Hanisch, M. (2014): Megacity Development and Farmers’ Discernment about Sustainability. A Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis in South India´s Greater Hyderabad Ar-ea. Agriculture and Human Values, under review.
Speer, J.; Hanisch, M. (2014): ¿Puede la gobernanza participativa superar asimetrías de información en los mercados rurales? Un estudio de caso de dos municipios guatemaltecos (Can Participatory Governance Overcome Information Asymmetries in Rural Political Markets? A Case Study of Two Guatemalan Municipalities). Política y gobierno 21(1), 127-158.
Hanisch, M.; Rommel, J.; Müller, M. (2013): The Cooperative Yardstick Revisited: Panel Evidence from the European Dairy Sectors. Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization 11(1) 151-162.
Kwapong, N. A.; Hanisch, M. (2013): Cooperatives and Poverty Reduction: A Literature Review. Journal of Rural Cooperation Vol. 41(2), 114-146.
Bijman, J.; M. Hanisch (2012). Support for Farmers’ Cooperatives; Developing a typology of cooperatives and producer organisations in the EU. Wageningen: Wageningen UR.
Bijman, J.; van der Sangen, G.; Hanisch, M. (2012): Exploring Innovations in Internal Governance in European Agricultural Cooperatives. Paper presented at the Colloque International Diversité et Durabilité des Modèles Agricoles Coopératifs dans un Contexte de Crises de la Mondialisation, November 6-7, 2012, Paris, France.
Boevsky, I.; Hanisch, M.; Sagebiel, J. (2012): Support for Farmers’ Cooperatives; Case Study Report “The role of post socialist production cooperatives in Bulgaria”
Hanisch, M.; Ihm, M. (2012): Genossenschaftliche Antworten auf Globale Herausforderungen. In: Agrarsoziale Gesellschaft – Ländlicher Raum 01/2012, 32-34.
Hanisch, M., Müller, M. (2012): Support for Farmers’ Cooperatives; Case Study Report Ownership and control rights transformations: The evolution of the Deutsches Milchkontor GmbH. Wageningen: Wageningen UR.
Hanisch, M.; Müller, M. Rommel, J. Sagebiel, J. Karikallio, H.; Pakarinen, S. and P. Pyykkönen (2012): Support for Farmers’ Cooperatives; Case Study Report Coop effect on price stabilization in the dairy sector. Wageningen: Wageningen UR.
Hanisch, M.; Osswald, N. (2012): Community-Supported Agriculture and Consumer Cooperatives in India. Paper presented at the Conference Cooperative Responses to Global Challenges, 21-23 March, 2012. Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Germany.
Hanisch, M.; Rommel, J. (2012): Support for Farmers’ Cooperatives; Case Study Report. Producer Organizations in European Dairy Farming: Wageningen UR.
Hanisch, M.; Sagebiel, J. (2012): Support for Farmers’ Cooperatives; Case Study Report: The role of post‐socialist production cooperatives in East Germany
Hanisch, M.; Rommel, J.; Müller, M. (2012): Variation in Farm Gate Milk Prices and the Cooperative Yardstick Revisited: Panel Evidence from the European Dairy Sectors. Paper Presented at the 52nd Annual Conference of the German Society of Economic and Social Sciences in Agriculture (GEWISOLA), September 26–28, 2012, Hohenheim, Germany.
Kwapong, N.A.; Ilukor, J.; Hanisch, M.; Nkonya, E. (2012): Making Rural Services Work for the Poor: Micro-level Evidence from Rural Uganda. World Rural Observations 4(1), 3-11.
Bharamappanavara, Saikumar C.; Hanisch, M.; Shetty, N.K.; Kumar, P.N.O. (2011): Self-Help Group Microcredit Delivery Models In Karnataka (India): An Econometric Study of Factors Influencing Performance. International Journal of Microfinance Institutions 1(1), 90-101.
Blisse, H.; Hanisch, M. (2011): Bankengruppen übergreifende Tendenzen im deutschen Banksystem. Bankhistorisches Archiv – Banking and Finance in Historical Perspective 37(1).
Hanisch, M. (ed.) (2010): Brennpunkt Agrarpreise – Ursachen, Trends und Risikomanagement für die Praxis. Berliner Beiträge zum Genossenschaftswesen, Band 69. Institut für Genossenschaftswesen an der Humboldt-Universität und Europäischer Hochschulverlag. Berlin, Bremen.
Hanisch, M.: Die Organisation von Kooperation – was die Genossenschaftswissenschaft von Elinor Ostrom lernen könnte. Zeitschrift für das gesamte Genossenschaftswesen (ZfgG), Band 60, Heft 4, 251-263.
Hanisch, M.(2010): Kommunale Kooperation in Form von Multi-Stakeholder Genossenschaften: Das Beispiel Stadtmarketing. In: George, W.; Bonow, M. (eds.) Regionales Zukunftsmanagement. Band 4: Kommunale Kooperation. Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.
Hanisch, M.; Kimmich, Ch.; Rommel, J.; Sagebiel, J. (2010): Coping with power scarcity in an emerging megacity: A consumers’ perspective from Hyderabad. International Journal of Global Energy Issues 33(3/4), 189-204.
Rommel, K.; Hanisch, M.; Deb, K.; Sagebiel. J. (2010): Consumer Preferences for Improvements of Power Supply Quality: Results from a Choice Experiment in Hyderabad, India and Implications for Energy Policy. Paper accepted for Presentation at the European Conference of the IAEE, August 25-28, 2010 in Vilnius, Lithuania.
Hanisch, M. (2009): Constraints on Rural Governance in the European Union: A Role for Co-operative Associations?. In: Beckmann, V.; Padmanabhan, M. (eds.): Institutions and Sustainability. Political Economy of Agriculture and the Environment – Essays in Honour of Konrad Hagedorn. Berlin: Springer.
Hanisch, M. (2008): Effizienzmessung und Ableitung von Entwicklungsstrategien für Warengenossenschaften: Zukünftige Strukturmodelle von Warengenossenschaften in Deutschland. In: Vorträge und Aufsätze des Forschungsvereins für Genossenschaftswesen Heft 31. FOG Wien.
Hanisch, M. (2008): Potentiale der Genossenschaft für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Dresdner Geschichtsverein e.V. (eds.): Im Selbsthilfeprinzip. Genossenschaftswesen in Dresden. Dresdner Hefte 25 (91). Dresden.
Filler, G.; Hanisch, M. ; Odening, M. (2008): Zur Ableitung von Entwicklungsstrategien für Warengenossenschaften. In: Zeitschrift für das Gesamte Genossenschaftswesen (ZfgG), Erlangen-Nürnberg. Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht.
Fink, S.; Hanisch, M.; Peemöller, V. H. (2007): Unternehmensbewertung zur Unterstützung von Entscheidungen bei der Verschmelzung von Genossenschaften. Berlin: Institut für Genossenschaftswesen an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Berliner Beiträge zum Genossenschaftswesen 66).
Hanisch, M. (2006). Eine AG für die Genossen? DLG Mitteilungen
Hanisch, M. (2006): Eine Theorie genossenschaftlichen Wandels. In: Münkner, H.-H.; Ringle, G. (eds.): Zukunftsperspektiven für Genossenschaften. Bausteine für typengerechte Weiterentwicklung. Bern: Haupt
Hanisch, M. (2006): Property Reform – The Analysis of Agricultural Ownership Transformations in Post-Communist Bulgaria. In: Hagedorn, K.; Beckmann, V.: Understanding Agricultural Transition. Institutional Change and Economic Performance in a Comparative Perspective. Aachen: Shaker.
Blisse, H.; Hanisch, M. (2006): Elemente von Strategiekonzepten zur Zukunftssicherung der Genossenschaftlichen Kooperation. Zeitschrift für das Gesamte Genossenschaftswesen (ZfgG). Band 56, Heft 1/2006. S. 75-79
Blisse, H.; Hanisch, M. (2005): Finanzierung und genossenschaftlicher Finanzverbund im Wandel. Berlin: Institut für Genossenschaftswesen an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Berliner Schriften zum Genossenschaftswesen 64)
Hanisch, M. (2005): Postsozialistische Landwirtschaft in Mittel- und Osteuropa. In: Beetz, S.; Brauer, K.; Neu, C. (eds.): Handbuch zur ländlichen Gesellschaft in Deutschland. Wiesbaden: VS Sozialwissenschaftlicher Verlag, S. 193-201
Steding, R.; Blisse H.; Hanisch, M. (2004): Grundfragen der Theorie und Praxis der Genossenschaften. Berlin: Institut für Genossenschaftswesen an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Berliner Schriften zum Genossenschaftswesen 61)
Blisse, H.; Hanisch, M.; Hirschauer, N.; Kramer, Jost W.; Odening, M. (2004): Risikoorientierte Agrarkreditvergabe – Entwicklungen und Konsequenzen. In: Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank (ed.): Herausforderungen für die Agrarfinanzierung im Strukturwandel – Ansätze für Landwirte, Banken, Berater und Politik. Rentenbank, Bd. 19, Frankfurt a.M., S. 203-247
Blisse, H.; Hanisch, M. ; Hirschauer, N.; Kramer, Jost W.; Odening, M. (2004): Risikoorientierte Agrarkreditvergabe – Entwicklung und Konsequenzen. Berlin: Institut für Genossenschaftswesen an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Berliner Schriften zum Genossenschaftswesen 60)
Hanisch, M. (2003): Property Reform and Social Conflict. A Multi-Level Analysis of the Change of Agricultural Property Rights in Post-Socialist Bulgaria. Aachen: 326 S.; Shaker
Hanisch, M. (ed.) (2002): Genossenschaftsmodelle – zwischen Auftrag und Anpassung. Berlin: Institut für Genossenschaftswesen an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Berliner Beiträge zum Genossenschaftswesen 56)
Hanisch, M.; Schlüter, A. (2000): Institutional Analysis and Institutional Change – What to Learn from the Case of Bulgarian Land Reform? In: Tillack, P.; Schulze, E. (eds.): Land Ownership, Land Markets and their Influence on the Efficiency of Agricultural Production in Central and Eastern Europe. Kiel: Vauk, pp. 152-170
Hanisch, M. (1999): Analyzing Land Reform and Agricultural Privatization in Bulgaria. On Models, Methods and Empirical Work. Arbeitspapier für den dritten KATO-Workshop in Prag im vom 19. bis 23. Februar 1999
Hanisch, M.; Boevsky, I. (1999): Political, Institutional and Structural Developments Accompanying Land Reform and Privatization in Bulgarian Agriculture. In: Südosteuropa. Zeitschrift für Gegenwartsforschung. 48 (7-8). München
- hanischm@hu-berlin.de
- 030 2093 6500