Berlin Institute for Co-operative Studies

The Berlin Institute for Co-operative Studies (BICS) is an independent research organization that has been based at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin since 1992. Its main aim is the study of co-operative organizations, which are member-based collective action organizations governed by democratic rule and the principle of user-ownership. The BICS is constituted by a number of academics that demonstrate a vivid interdisciplinary research interest in studying and finding solutions for a wide spectrum of problems relating to collaborative organizations. Academic members of the BICS research, lecture, and share expertise on the topic.



Welcome to BICS

The Berlin Institute for Cooperative Studies (BICS) is an independent research organization that has been based at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin since 1992. Its main aim is the study of coooperative organizations, which are member-based collective action organizations governed by democratic rule and the principle of user-ownership. The BICS is maintained by a number of academics that demonstrate a vivid interdisciplinary research interest in studying and finding solutions for a wide spectrum of problems relating to collaborative organizations. Academic members of the BICS research, lecture and share expertise on the topic.


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Recent News

Short Impression of the Research of BICS Member Jos Bijman in Burundi

GenoScience Newsletter 2023 Published

Newsletter 2023

Supporting Association Bylaws
